Thursday, June 21, 2012

Israel Should Be Ashamed of Its Racist, Anti-African Policies!

For many years, Jews were persecuted, discriminated against and oppressed in several European nations. During the Nazi era, they were confined to concentration camps, burned in ovens, starved to death, gassed with poison and subjected to other grotesque forms of genocide. Many fled Germany and other European countries in search of a better life for themselves and their families. Many came to Israel in search of peace and security.

In light of that history, Israel should strongly oppose of all forms of oppression. Unfortunately, it does not. Ironically, the Israeli government has become an agent of oppression and intolerance. Not only does Israel oppress the Palestinian people, Israel discriminates against African immigrants. Israel should be ashamed of its racist, anti-African policies and sentiments.

As reported in The Root and Ebony:
Since 2005 approximately 60,000 undocumented Africans have crossed into Israel from Egypt hoping to escape war, poverty, and political persecution.  
Blamed for the increase of crime and perceived as sexual assailants, rising tensions in major cities Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have led to violent anti-immigrant demonstrations, acts of vandalism towards African-run businesses, and arson attacks....

Interior Minister Eli Yishai claims the raids and forced deportations are only the beginning. As he described in Israel HaYom’s publication, the Israeli state is only permitted to expel “infiltrators” originating from South Sudan and Ivory Coast now but its next phase is to mark immigrants from Eritrea and Sudan for deportation.

Yishai, who has persistently called for the expulsion of non-Jewish migrants, stated that allowing African immigrants to remain in Israel would threaten the “the end of the Zionist dream” that created Israel — a nation of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, standing in accord with the anti-African sentiments of his fellow right wing constituents, publicly denounced undocumented migrants as “infiltrators ” calling for the swift deportation of 25,000.

In a move that rivals Arizona’s SB1070, last week, an Israeli court ruled to expel 1,500 South Sudanese under the premise they are no longer at risk in their homeland.
Until Israel stops discriminating against African immigrants and oppressing the Palestinians, the United States should suspend all foreign aid to Israel. According to the Congressional Research Service, Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, it has received $115 billion from the United States.  According to the same report, for 2013, the Obama Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in foreign military funding for Israel. That money should be used to improve U.S. schools, to rebuild America's infrastructure and to create jobs.

Will any U.S. politicians take action?!?  Will the Congressional Black Caucus stand up?  Probably not.  Sadly, too many politicians are bought and paid for by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

This article is cross-posted on Jack and Jill Politics.

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