Friday, October 30, 2015

Reflecting on #BenFields and the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh

Hello, family. In his classic song Umi Says, Mos Def sings, "I don't wanna write this down. I want to tell you how I feel right now." I feel that. Often, instead doing a written blog, I tell the world how I feel at that moment on my YouTube channel. I encourage you guys to subscribed to the channel.

In the YouTube videos below, I reflect upon the recent incident of police brutality that occurred at Spring Valley High School in Richland County, South Carolina.

This video is my initial response to the situation.

After I posted that first video, I received a flood of callous and racist comments. I deleted some of those comments. Here are a few examples that remain:

"The negress was acting stupid and brought this all on herself. Why do blacks act so stupid?"

"When you act like an animal you get treated like one. Common sense. Mr.Dindunuffin."

"Why cant Negroes go to school and just Learn?"

"She deserved it."

"Looks like the cop deserves an award. Enough of these kids acting badly."

"Another example of blacks manipulating the media in order to gain a free lunch.
Show the entire video you racist black piece of shit."

"To the officer that did this, GOOD JOB! And remember, Jesus had enemies, too."

In response to those and other insensitive comments, I posted a second video.

Later, I read a news article about how Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suggested that officer Ben Fields was not racist because he is dating an African American woman. When I heard that nonsense, I had to do yet another YouTube video.

I welcome your feedback.

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