Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Renown Writer Alice Walker Speaks Out Against Injustice in Gaza


  1. Mr Asaka:

    With reference to Ms Walker's activism I would like to ask you a question.

    Alice Walker is a known feminist and left-wing activist in general.

    At this point she has chosen to use her right to invest her time as she pleases to advocate for the cause of Palestineans who are being "oppressed" by the Israeli blockade of transshipments into their land. Israel claims that the sea blockade and inspections are necessary to reduce the smuggling of weapons that have been used to fire shells into Israel and thus creating an international incident.

    I want to make sure that as I ask you a question that I am NOT putting forth a "Well if she is opposed to this then why is she silent on this other sin" scenario. This is not my point.

    I am sure that you have seen the recent movement in Saudi Arabia in which women sneak out and drive their cars and then film themselves as a means of protesting the present ban.


    My question to you is: What do you believe would be the response by Saudi Arabia IF external activist groups like the one that Ms Walker is associated with were to stage an intervention in support of women's rights in Saudi Arabia?

    Acts of civil disobedience such as Western men going into S.A., renting cars and then allowing native women to drive - all as a means of clogging the legal system.

    Please understand my question. Indeed it is popular among some circles to condemn and attack Israel and label their antics as "oppressive". The one thing I noted, however, is that if we attempt to broaden the scope of CIVIL RIGHTS and thus measure the ENTIRE REGION with the very same measuring stick.......the focus on Israel by the left begins to stick out as a sore thumb. They show that they are equally averse to intervening in these other nations that have a far greater land mass.

    So I guess ultimately my question to you is: Is there a bit of bigotry seen in the 'indictments' against Israel as the nationsl that are far larger in the region and who oppress far more "Muslims" are not subjected to this same type of intradiction?

    (Trying to move above the "transactional" and see the big picture patterns)

  2. "Is there a bit of bigotry seen in the 'indictments' against Israel as the nationsl that are far larger in the region and who oppress far more "Muslims" are not subjected to this same type of intradiction?"

    No. All forms of oppression should be condemned whether it's in Saudi Arabia or Israel. The Palestinians are being oppressed by Israel. The Gaza blockade is immoral and repressive. It is nothing but collective punishment. To impose silence, the pro-Israel lobby wrongly labels most critics as anti-semitic. Condemning oppression in the occupied territories is not the same thing as condemning Judaism.
