Thursday, November 4, 2010

President Obama Reacts to the Republican Takeover


  1. I can't bear to watch or listen. I'm on a no Obama diet right about now. Sigh.

  2. I'm just confused, disappointed, disgusted with the entire political process. I did defend Obama in the beginning, but too often it looks as though he's brushing black issues aside. I admit to not following the political process closely and with objectivity, though, so I could be wrong about it all.

  3. Although Obama could do much more, he is not "brushing black issues aside." President Obama has made enforcement of civil rights laws a priority. He has increased funding for the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. He has increased the number of civil rights attorneys. He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Hate Crimes Act, cocaine sentencing disparity law and health care reform into law. All of those laws benefit African Americans.

  4. Thanks for informing me. There so much confusion and misreporting and madness. It's so tiring, and disheartening.

  5. Thanks for following my blog. I will follow your blog as well.
